Yes, We Can

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A most powerful and moving response to “Hell NO you can’t!”

Add Another World Renowned Name To The List “Gay American”

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The website “For Good Reason” hosts a discussion with James Randi, a renowned skeptic and rational thinker, where Mr. Randi comes out as gay.  Now 81, Mr. Randi discusses his reasons for remaining in the closet until now, his concerns about how it may affect his work, and how his detractors may use this announcement against him.  Check it out at “For Good Reason”.

Mr. Randi’s own site, the James Randi Educational Foundation has the esteemed writer/speaker/skeptic’s own words here.

Cross posted at, QueerFresno,Tulare County Atheists, and The Visalia Times Delta.

Mother Nature and Her Plants

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Mother Nature.  What a gal…  You’ve got to give her credit, she’s quite the industrious gardener.  Leave a plot of ground unattended for even a short time, and she’ll dive right in and start working.  Even our lawns aren’t spared her loving touch.  She must not really care for the carefully manicured, smooth expanses that most of us like in front of our homes.  It takes no time at all for her to start her ministrations,  tossing seeds hither and yon, and upsetting the best laid plans of everyone trying to have a putting green (or at least a fairway) as their yard.

I envision her as a somewhat absent minded (in that carefully crafted,  wisdom-of-the-ages style),  slightly distracted, but always completely aware of what’s going on.  Puttering around in her garden, which is of course the entire planet, cooing sweet nothings to her botanical charges. Look, a butterfly just landed on her outstretched finger.  They’re whispering something to each other, but of course we’ll never be privy to what they share.  Sometimes she’ll look over at you while she’s in communion with her various creatures, and I swear she’s telling it some funny little story, probably at the human’s expense.  She’s not above a little teasing, now and then.

I’ve discovered one thing about her, however.  I know what her favorite flower is.


Did The Devil Make Me Do It?


“Tulare Devil Worshipers”

That’s the search engine term that landed someone on our Tulare County Atheist’s blog site yesterday.  I wrote a blog about it there, you can read it if you are so inclined.  If “The Devil” is this guy, where do I sign up??

Dark Humor

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OUT, Damned Demon, OUT!

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One of the things I love about my job is that no matter how long you’ve been there (almost 16 years now for me), you can never say “now I’ve seen everything!”  Last week provided another example of just how odd things can get on the other end of the 9-1-1 line.  Just what the caller thought WE could do, I’m not sure.  If Jesus is your first line of defense, and that fails, can the Sheriff really solve the problem??

It was late night, cold, damp and before payday.  Not much was going on,  and most of the trouble makers were staying in, or at least staying below everyone’s radar, with the exception of one hell raiser.

We got the call from a frantic family member.  They were worried that the exorcism wasn’t going well, and the possessed relative was getting out of control.  Grandma, the family demon ‘caster-outer’, was apparently not having her usual success, and the possessed agitated relative was still in full demonic mode.   Demonic possession is an ongoing issue for this particular person, according to our caller, and Grandma was usually successful in her casting-out skills, but not this night.


Dumb Ass

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“I’m not a member of any organized political party, I’m a Democrat!” – Will Rogers

2006 – Control of Congress by just short of a “super majority”.

2008 – Control of Congress by a “super majority”, and control of the White House!

2009 – Unable to pass Health Care legislation.  Unable to pass much of anything!

Question – Why are you there, and why should we support you in the 2010  mid-term elections?

The Donkey had better get off his ass and do something, before he’s back in minority status!

I’m not a member of any political party.  The Republicans can’t stand “my kind”, the Democrats can’t get their act together even when they are in charge, I have no idea what the Independents are all about, and they and the other parties are just fringe actors that don’t amount to much.

What’s a guy to do?

Another barbarian…

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From The New Civil Rights Movement…

If ignorance is bliss, this guy is on cloud nine…

Oklahoma Senator: “Sexual orientation is like


Oklahoma Republican State Senator Steve Russell presented a bill yesterday in an attempt to “opt-out” of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Law. Opting-out will cost Oklahoma $5 million.

The Oklahoma Daily reports,

“The federal government should not be creating a special class of people, and that is just what they did when they passed and signed this bill,” Russell said. “All crimes against another person have some level of hate in them, and people can be assured that our laws that protect people against crimes such as murder are sufficient to protect everyone.”

Russell said because the government has decided to intervene on issues of morality, he is worried that religious leaders who speak out against any lifestyle could be imprisoned for their speech.

“The law is very vague to begin with,” Russell said. “Sexual orientation is a very vague word that could be extended to extremes like necrophilia.”

Russell said he is also concerned if someone is attacked and killed for his or her sexual orientation, the suspect could pass the blame onto a religious leader who preached out against the lifestyle of the victim who was attacked.

Read the rest of the article here.

Florida Republican disses Hollywood

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The barbarians continue their attacks.

Stephen Precourt (R) of the Florida State legislature, has slipped a provision into a 75 million dollar incentive package before the Florida House of Representatives.  Designed to attract movie and television productions to the state, the bill provides tax credits to entertainment companies who operate in Florida.

Precourt has included in the bill a provision to prohibit any tax credits to any production that contains “non traditional family values”.  The provision, however, does not define what is meant by “non traditional family values”.

“Think of it as like Mayberry,” state Rep. Stephen Precourt, R-Orlando, said, referring to The Andy Griffith Show. “That’s when I grew up — the ’60s. That’s what life was like. I want Florida to be known for making those kinds of movies: Disney movies for kids and all that stuff. Like it used to be, you know?”

“Instituting 1950s-style movie censorship does nothing to support real-life families or help Florida’s struggling economy,” said Ted Howard, executive director for Florida Together.

Both quotes from the Palm Beach Post’s article, here.

Precourt apparently does not understand the nature of the entertainment industry, or how many of it’s movers and shakers are gay!  Apparently he’s one of those Republican dolts who believes those evil gays from Hollywood (California’s Hollywood…  I’m sure he thinks Florida’s Hollywood is completely straight) are primed to make our recruiting films in his state, and will do anything to keep them out.

We’ll have to see if all of the Republicans in the state House of Representatives are so myopic, or if the bill is passed, how it will be enacted without definitions of what constitutes actual “non traditional family values”.

I’m waiting to see how Ft. Lauderdale and Key West respond.

This Is Just Too Cool!

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