If at first you don’t succeed, change the rules!

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snidely-whiplash Oh that Trump administration…

“Hmmmm…  we’ve been unable to nail Hillary on anything! ANYTHING! Curses, foiled again!”


“I know! We’ll retroactively classify material that was sent in routine State Department and government emails, and start harassing people about having classified information on their computers!!!  Bwahahahahaha!”

Stunned career official (SCO): “But how does that make sense? Why would we do that? How does that become Hillary’s fault??”

Trump appointee (TA): “Because these emails ended up with her, so anyone who sent them is guilty, too! Since she had classified material on unsecured computers, SHE’S GUILTY! AND SO ARE THEY! Bwahahahahaha!!”

SCO: “That makes no sense! You can’t retroactively classify materials that were unclassified, then harass people about them!”

TA: “Watch us.”

Fox News: NEWSFLASH!  Classified emails! Hillary! Benghazi!

MAGAts: “SEE!!! WE TOLD YOU!!! LOCK HER UP!!!!!!!!!!”


Everybody else: “WTF?”

Vladimir Putin: “Bwahahahahaha”

Update: Taliban deny Camp David Tweet by Trump

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It’s pretty bad when the Taliban contradict you.

President Sharpie returns edited PDB to NSA

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A Presidential Daily Briefing from last week is returned to the NSA for correction.

Breaking U.S. policy, Trump was set to meet with Taliban terrorist group at Camp David

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This is a bad holo-novel, isn’t it, Number One?

The stupid continues to flow from this White House. On Saturday, September 7, 2019, President Donald J. Trump tweeted the following:


The official policy of the United States has, for decades, been that we do not negotiate with terrorists. Now, we have negotiated with terrorists before, on the down-low, but never at the level of the Presidency, and never at such a respected historical site.

Idiot-in-Chief was going to bring Taliban terrorist leaders to Camp David! This is not Israel-Egypt, and Trump is no Jimmy Carter.

On top of all of that, Trump was going to have the Taliban at Camp David a couple of days before 9/11! The optics of that are just incredibly bad. Did no one at the White House even consider that?

So who was our point man on this? Why am I suspecting it was Jared? After all, isn’t he in charge of all of these peace plan things?

Idiots. All of them. Led by the biggest one of all.

States rights (federalism), except for California.

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In their 2016 platform, the Republican party says “Federalism is a cornerstone of our constitutional system. Every violation of state sovereignty by federal officials is not merely a transgression of one unit of government against another; it is an assault on the liberties of individual Americans.” 

My, how times change. More

The effect is only one way…

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NUNES_DERP_STATE I’m on Devin Nunes’ email list, and boy, is it a roller coaster ride!

Here’s part of the latest blast:


Breaking: Big tech giants may be manipulating information to sway votes.

This is a disturbing discovery, and it should concern all Americans.

Tech oligarchs have become a huge part of our daily lives. They control what information we see and what we don’t. They have incredible power and could use this power to manipulate elections and voters.

This should give every American great concern. Conservatives must fight back.

Research has shown that Silicon Valley tech oligarchs supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election and could have biased their platform users in favor of their personal politics.
If we want to ensure a fair election in 2020, then we MUST fight back now.”


Nunes wants us to believe two contradictory things at one time –

That Facebook, Twitter, and similar tech giants could manipulate their customers in favor of Hillary Clinton, but that Russia’s concerted efforts to do the exact same thing on the exact same platforms did not influence anyone to favor Donald Trump.

Manipulation in favor of Clinton: YES

Manipulation in favor of Trump: NYET

“… may be manipulating…” and “They… could use this power…” and “could have biased their platform…”

He doesn’t claim they DID do that, but only that they COULD have, and that they should be investigated.

Meanwhile, Devin is suing a Twitter cow. He’s also trying to use federal racketeering laws to go after people who have said “mean” things about him. Like he’s not really a “farmer”, even though he got a court to rule he could claim that on voting pamphlets. (He recently bought a $15,000 farm, presumably so he could claim to be a farmer for real)

Derp state, is right. Devin is the Speaker of that House.

Image: Daily Kos