Trump denies ordering USS John S. McCain fiasco

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So Trump says he didn’t know the Navy was ordered to cover up the insignia of the USS John S. McCain, berthed in sight of his activities on other Naval ships, while he was in Japan. News reports are saying the White House told the Navy to cover up anything that said “John McCain” on it. Sailors were told they couldn’t wear their Navy caps that included the ship’s name. Anything that could remind Trump of McCain was ordered covered up.

That begs some serious questions.

Who in the White House, *not in the chain of command*, can order the Navy around?

How far down the White House hierarchy does this capability go?

Why did the Navy comply?

Is this common practice for the Department of Defense?

Can the Vice-President order the Pentagon around?

Can the Speaker of the House, or the Senate Majority Leader?

Really, the Joint Chiefs need to explain how this happens.

The President is the Commander-in-Chief, but White House minions are not. If Trump didn’t order something, how can someone not in the military, and not in the chain of command, give an order in his name?

This will cycle out of the news quickly, but it’s an important issue. I hope it’s not swept under the rug and ignored.


The covering of asses has begun:


The story can now be told – why it didn’t rain on PrideVisalia 2019



Ishkur, Mesopotamian god of storms

Despite a week of weather forecasts predicting rain on Saturday, the day of PrideVisalia 2019 was sunny, clear, and warm. How did that happen? Well, now the story can be told.

The very first PrideVisalia hosted by The Source LGBT+ Center was in June 2017, and the summer gods were out in full force. 105 degrees in the shade (40 for those of you who are on the Celsius thermometer), with relentless solar radiation made for a sweaty and uncomfortable festival. The powers-that-be decided that it’s difficult to be gay (or lesbian, or bi, or trans, or pan, or anything else for that matter) under such conditions, so the festival for 2018 was moved to the end of May. Cooler weather usually prevails, and the festival can be truly festive. It did and it was.

As PrideVisalia 2019 approached, our weather apps began giving us ominous warnings. Thunderstorms, rain, and warm temperatures were threatening to make the festival a muggy, wet, sodden affair. Nerves were on edge, a brave face was put on by organizers, and extra awnings were put on standby.

Why didn’t it rain? I simply asked for a favor.

Yep, I set up a conference call, and got all the gods on one hookup. You wouldn’t believe how difficult that was to arrange! Some of these characters really don’t like each other. Some kept insisting none of the others even existed! I finally appealed to their better natures (for some their vanity, but that’s another story) and got them all on the line.

I managed to snare the major players: Zeus, Ishkur, Tlaloc, Indra, Fryer, Odin (who, like some of the other major players, insisted on being included even though he doesn’t usually handle weather himself), and Tempestas (who you would think from her name wouldn’t be a easy sell, but she was a joy to talk with). Some native American weather spirits joined in, especially those of the local tribes here in the valley, and of course Allah and Yahweh. (I tried to get Lucifer on the call, just to keep some balance, but he was unavailable. Apparently he’s on vacation. In Los Angeles. Odd.)

After some small talk that seemed to last an eternity (God time is very different from human time, it seems) we got down to the issue at hand.

I was prepared for a long, hard fought battle to convince them to hold the rain off for a day, but it was amazingly easy.

Seems the gods are really fond of their LGBTQ+ children, and were eager to grant such a request. They also love a party, and once I described what was going on, they were all on board with very little convincing required. I think the drag queens and the Ballet Folklorico dancers of Mexico Moderno really put it over the top.

I got a bit of flack from Yahweh about my being an atheist and all, but I’m pretty sure he was just ribbing me. (see what I did there?) He, of course, loves all the rainbow gear at Pride. Allah was silent for most of it all, but I’m pretty sure I heard a نعم فعلا from him.

So there you have it. One conference call, some friendly chatting, a bit of ego stroking for the more vain characters, and they all agreed to push the rain to the next day. Sunny and warm, with a slight breeze prevailed for PrideVisalia 2019.

I’m a little concerned what they might require of me as payment for granting my favor. A couple of them were putting on an ominous tone, but I’m pretty sure they were just teasing. Fairly sure. Oh boy… what have I done! Whatever the reality of that is, I’ll deal with it at some future date. A very far-off in the future date. Maybe they’ll forget. One can hope.

Oh, and you’re welcome!



Fair warning: I’m going to do it again



Monday, May 20, 2019, I’ll be giving a short presentation to the Visalia City Council during the public comments section of the meeting.

Hopefully, I won’t have to defend against accusations of child pornography as I did last year!

I’ll be giving an update to the Council on Saturday’s Pride Visalia Festival, our recent expansion, and winning our category in the annual Give OUT Day fundraiser.

Since the city changed the rules after our 2012 and 2013 proclamations naming June LGBT Pride Month in Visalia, I won’t be asking for or receiving anything, but I will take the opportunity to bring the Council up to date on our recent achievements.  Our expansion gives us much needed space, as our (already expanded once) center continues to grow.

There’s a ton of stuff that I’d like to tell the council about, but the comments are limited to three minutes, so I’ll just have to do a quick review of this year, and invite the Council and the public to Pride Visalia 2019.

You can attend the Council meeting at City Hall West, 707 W. Acequia, Visalia. The meeting starts at 7pm. You can also watch on Facebook Live, on the city’s Facebook feed.


Where the writer is against gay Star Wars

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Or something like that. This came across the message board recently at an LGBT center. The writer seems to be bothered by the inclusion of gay characters in cinema. Or at least I think that’s what this is about:

uh.. OK…  wait, what??