“He’s not dead, Jim!”

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Will Smith - Not Dead

The internet is abuzz with rumors of the death of Will Smith in an automobile accident.  Rest assured, Will is alive and well, and the victim of the latest celebrity hoax to hit the online world.  It seems someone has simply replaced Smith’s name in emails floating around earlier about Kanye West, and others before him.

So relax, fellow admirers of Mr. Smith, he’s just fine.  And he’s just fine!  😉  If you had any doubts, just check this picture from I Robot.

Catholic Bishop orders communion withheld

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I’ve posted a blog at TulareCountyAtheists.com about Rhode Island’s Bishop Thomas Tobin and his recent order to deny communion to Representative Patrick Kennedy.  Kennedy recently voted against the Stupak amendment to the health care bill currently before Congress, and the Bishop decided that this meant Kennedy was supporting abortion in violation of the Church’s orders to Catholic politicians.  Read my blog here.

TCSO Scanner audio online

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I’m streaming our radio traffic onto the internet.  You can hear the audio by pointing your browser, or Media Player, to mms://kc6yru.net:1199. It’s a stereo feed, with Channel One, the south end of the county, being on the left track.  Channel Two, the north end, is on the right track.  I was having some difficulty with the computer I was originally using, so I’ve moved it to one that should be more stable, and online 24/7.  If you listen closely, and at the right times, you may even hear me!

This feed is not provided by Tulare County Sheriff’s Department, or Tulare County, and they are not responsible for it being online.  The equipment is simply two scanners of mine, feeding into a sound card on a computer running Windows Media Encoder.

UPDATE:  January 9, 2011 – I’m no longer streaming the scanner audio.  The computer I was using decided to start acting up, and I don’t have a reliable replacement for it.  I don’t know if I’ll be putting the feed back up in the future or not.  In the meantime, if you have an iPhone or iPad, you can download 5-0 Radio, or Scanner911 and catch us there.


The Family Tree is sprouting newly discovered branches!


Clarence Arthur Reeves

Clarence Arthur Reeves,  born January 29, 1887 in Souix Falls, South Dakota.  Died June 24, 1966 in Woodlake, California.

I don’t really know a whole lot about Grandpa.  I was 9 when he died, and so my memories of him are those of a child.  I remember a quiet, distant man, who didn’t seem to relish the flurry of attention a small child brought to his lap.  He didn’t push any of us, my cousins and I, away, but I don’t recall him going out of his way to interact with us.  Perhaps he didn’t really know how to deal with children, even though he was one of six or more, and he fathered eight (or more) himself.   Our family was his second marriage, which occurred on April 15, 1923.  Some of my research has turned up a bit of a mystery, and I’m still working on finding out more, if I can.


Prejean Update – Beauty Queen flubs snit attempt

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Last one, I promise. (Unless something really wild comes along.)



Carrie’s latest cross to bear? Her appearance on Larry King Live didn’t go so well. Larry asked a rather vague question about her recent court settlement, and the former Miss California USA pageant winner went into a snit, telling King that his question was “inappropriate”. It would seem Miss Prejean hasn’t had any coaching in how to deflect a question she doesn’t want to answer. She’s still in the “poor little ole’ me, everyone’s picking on me just because I don’t think gays should have any rights” mode. She tried to take her microphone off and storm out, but apparently even that didn’t come off as planned. Poor little Carrie, can’t even pull off a snit correctly!


Carrie Prejean’s Merry Go Round still spinning out of control

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carrie_prejean01In the latest round of the saga of poor Carrie Prejean,  a sex tape of the former Miss California USA has been introduced into the plot.    As you’ll recall, Miss Prejean became a darling of the right wing after coming in second in the Miss USA contest.  Her response to a question on same-sex marriage, not noted for it’s intelligence or delivery, even if a dearly held belief of Miss Prejean’s,  became instant fodder for the judge who asked the question, on-line gossip Perez Hilton. Quickly taken up by the religious right, who echoed her claims that she lost the Miss USA crown due to her “moral” stand on same-sex marriage,  her cause became a national sensation, portrayed as an attack on her personal “family values” beliefs.  The latest chapter in this never-ending saga now includes reports of a video of Miss Prejean in a solo performance of a sexual nature.


Halloween – Where have all the goblins gone?

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halloweenAnother Halloween, come and gone.  I had the night off this year, and ended up spending it at home, watching Transformers 2.  I know, exciting, huh?  This year I got no rings on the doorbell, even from teenagers.  The church across the street, and the one up the street, each had some kind of festivals in their parking lots.  I was surprised, since in each one the kids were in costumes, and they had booths and displays set up.  I suppose these churches are a bit on the liberal side, since they didn’t seem to harbor that right-wing kookiness where demons are lurking in the candy!  Yeah, that’s right.  CBN had a blog up until it actually got noticed, where the author was telling people not to let their children have Halloween candy because it’s dedicated and prayed over by witches!  And it doesn’t matter, according to the author, whether or not the candy came from the neighbors on Halloween, or if you bought it yourself at the store!  Seems the demons can’t tell the difference.   You can’t read about it at the Christian Broadcast Network any longer, because they took it down right away, but you can read about it here. It looks like actual trick-or-treating is fast becoming a thing of the past.  I wonder if the witches and demons had anything to do with that?