A powerful story about the struggles and successes of a FTM transgender singer.

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jaimie evolHe’s just a little country and kind of a little different; meet Jaimie Wilson who’s strumming his way to success

Guest Post by Brody Levesque

For twenty-one year old Jaimie Wilson, nothing beats the feeling of rambling along in his custom Jeep Wrangler 4X4, headed for a gig to perform his beloved country music in his adopted home state of Florida. Shirtless, tanned, fit, and blonde haired, he looks like most every other young man his age who is entering adulthood trying to figure out where his path will take him.

As the Jeep rolls down the freeway, his guitar and overnight bag perched in the back seat, windows rolled down, he sings along to the radio or a CD, the oversize off-road tires humming as the miles fly by for accompaniment.

But, it wasn’t always like this, and for Jaimie, life was actually pretty difficult. He grew up the…

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