My third ordination

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The actual certificate will be here in a week or two.  This makes the third ordination I’ve received.  The first was as a High Priest in The Temple of Earth, the second is a Minister in the Universal Life Church, and now as a Minister in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  It would appear my spiritualism knows no bounds!  If you need a non-traditional minister or High Priest for some ceremony, let me know.  I work cheap.  😉


I’m now an Ordained High Priest!

1 Comment

Yes, it’s true! I was ordained today in the Temple of Earth, as a High Priest.

Jim's Ordination as High Priest
Feel free to contact me for any Priestly services you may require.

Reasonable rates.

Cross posted at Queer Visalia and Tulare County Atheists.