LGBT Life Online Panel a great experience


Sunday was the LGBT Life Online panel held at the PFLAG (Parents, Family & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meeting here in Visalia.  The Tulare-Kings PFLAG invited this group to speak on blogging and online activities of the LGBT community in the central valley.  From left to right, Andrew, web manager for Tulare-Kings PFLAG‘s website and Facebook pages, Melissa of, Brooke of and, Justin of My LGBT Plus, myself representing and the soon to be discontinued, and Ted of My LGBT Plus sat on the panel.  Each gave an overview of the history and objectives of their respective organizations.  A question and answer period allowed the audience a chance to ask about the various groups and how they operate.

This is the first time I’ve been on such a panel, and it was not too long ago that you’d never have gotten me up in front of a crowd like this.  I was amazed that I was completely calm, and was looking forward to the event before hand, and enjoyed being before the group.  The past few years have seen quite the change in my personal growth, even if I do say so myself, in that I’m much more relaxed and confident.  That’s a big change for me, and I think much of it has to do with deciding to be an out gay man.


Public speaking? In front of a crowd?

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In the past, you’d never find me speaking in front of a group. It’s just something I’d never do. Now, for some reason, I’ve been asked to join a panel discussion. The good folks at Tulare-Kings PFLAG have asked Brooke Burke of, Justin Kamimoto and Ted Freitas of My LGBT Plus, Andrew Miller of Tulare-Kings PFLAG, and myself to talk about LGBTQ blogging in the central valley.
We’ll be speaking at the February meeting, Sunday the 19th. The meeting starts at 3pm, check out the link for PFLAG for the location and directions.
I’m actually looking forward to the panel, even though I’m not sure what I’m going to say!
